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Server Refurbished Dell PowerEdge R620 2 CPU Hexa Core

Produs Refurbished

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Server Refurbished Dell PowerEdge R620 2 CPU Hexa Core

Produs Refurbished

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Descriere / Specificatii


Produs:  Server Dell PowerEdge R620
Stare:  Refurbished 
Format carcasa: Rack 1U
Chipset: Intel C600
Sloturi: 3 PCIe { 2  x16 slots with x16 bandwidth, 1 x16 slot with x8 bandwidth }
Procesor: 2 procesoare Intel Xeon E5-2630 15M Cache, 2.30 GHz Hexa Core | 12 Threads
Unitate de stocare:  2 x 500GB 2,5" , suporta 4 HDD 2.5 inch
Memorie: 32 GB DDR3 ECC PC3-10600 1333 MHz maxim 768 GB / 24 sloturi 
Raid controler: PERC H710  8 porturi SATA+SAS, pina la 32 unitati  (SAS, SATA) RAID levels 0, 1, 5, 6 
Unitate optica:  DVD S-ATA 5,5" Slimline 
Retea:  4 x Gigabite - Broadcom 5720 | 4 Porturi | 1GbE BASE-T (no TOE or iSCSI offload)
Remote Management: Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 7 (iDRAC7)  
Porturi / Conectare: 4 x LAN (RJ-45) | 4 x USB |  2 x VGA | 1 x port serial
Sursa alimentare:  2 surse redundante hot-plug  495W/750W Titanium efficiency
Sine (Rail Kit): Optional, nu sunt inluse in pretul afisat 
Garantie: 2 Ani Server | 12 Luni HDDuri 
Specificatii Complete:  Download
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Stare/Conditie Produs Refurbished
model PowerEdge R620
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